Social support is a matter of course for HUGRO as a company and employer. Strongly rooted in the region, we support projects whose task and goal is to positively influence the quality of life of disadvantaged people. In addition to the financial support from HUGRO, there is the private, self-intiative commitment of our team.

Tigerherz - When parents have cancer - supports the whole family by advising parents in this changed life situation and responding to the needs of their children. We offer space for feelings and have an ear for the children's concerns. In the hours with the children and adolescents we work in individual contact, in sibling hours or in groups.

In the socio-therapeutic living and working community "Am Bruckwald" in Waldkirch, people with and without disabilities live, work and reside. Together with their families, parents and friends, they shape life and work in the community. The goal of all is to promote and maintain the working and living areas.